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With Pitzer Since: 2011
PhD, MA, BA, New York University
“From the Margins You Push So that the Center Implodes: Lesbian Media in South Africa,” GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, vol. 19, no. 3 (2013).
“Masks, Elephants, and Djembe Drums: Craft as Historical Experience in Ghana,” The Journal of Modern Craft, vol. 5, no. 3 (November 2012).
“Queering South Africa’s Borders,” paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, November 2012.
Ruti Talmor is an anthropologist with training in film production, media, art, and globalization. She previously served as the Mellon Research Fellow at the Humanities Center and as a visiting assistant professor of anthropology at Haverford College. Drawing on her training in anthropology and her background in art and documentary film, Talmor’s research, production, and pedagogy combine visual, oral, and archival history with ethnographic methodologies. Her courses combine anthropological, art and media theory, colonial and postcolonial history, and ethnographic and visual methods, first modeling new ways of thinking, writing and working for students and then allowing them to produce work in this new vein themselves.