- Erich_Steinman@vko29.com
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With Pitzer Since: 2007
MA, PhD, Sociology, University of Washington
BA, Government and International Affairs, Augustana College
Social movements; political sociology; culture; institutional theory, law and society; American Indians and indigenous people; race and ethnicity; public policy; and sexuality, sexual orientation and gender.
Sociology and Its View of the World (SOC01)
Political Sociology (SOC91)
Social Movements and Social Change (SOC111)
Sociology of Law: Power, Rights, and Change (SOC115)
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: Colonization, Identity, Resistance (SOC78)
Women and Law (SOC116)
Sexual Politics & Sexuality Movements (SOC120)
“Settler Colonial Power and the American Indian Sovereignty Movement: Forms of Domination, Strategies of Transformation,” American Journal of Sociology, vol. 117, no. 4 (January 2012).
“Revisiting the Invisibility of (Male) Bisexuality: Grounding (Queer) Theory, Centering Bisexual Absences, and Examining Masculinities,” Journal of Bisexuality, vol. 11, no. 4 (October-December 2011).
“Alternatives to Service, and ‘Making Space’: Lessons from Collaborations with Tribal Nations,” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, vol. 18 (fall 2011).
“Sovereigns and Citizens? The Contested Status of American Indian Tribal Nations and Their Members,” Citizenship Studies, vol.15, no.1 (February 2011).
“Obama Administration Policy toward American Indians and Tribal Nations,” Journal of Race and Policy, vol.6, no.1 (spring 2010).
“Explaining Contemporary Federal Indian Policy: Book Review Essay,” Indigenous Policy Journal, vol.24, no.3 (2008).
“(Mixed) Perceptions of Tribal Nations’ Status: Implications for Indian Gaming,” American Behavioral Scientist, vol.50, no.3 (November 2006).
“The Contemporary Revival and Diffusion of Indigenous Sovereignty Discourse,” American Studies, vol.46, no.3/4 (fall-winter 2005).
“Legitimizing American Indian Sovereignty: Mobilizing the Constitutive Power of Law through Institutional Entrepreneurship,” Law and Society Review, vol.39, no.4 (December 2005).
Indigenous Nationhood Claims and Contemporary Federalism in Canada and the United States,” Policy and Society, vol.24, no1 (2005).
“American Federalism and Intergovernmental Innovation in State-Tribal Relations,” Publius, vol.34, no2 (2004).
“Interpreting the Invisibility of Male Bisexuality: Theories, Interactions, Politics,” Journal of Bisexuality, vol.1, no.2-3 (2001).
Bisexuality: Facts and Fiction. Binghampton, NY: Harrington Park Press, 2001. Co-edited with Brett Beemyn.
“Tribal-Academic Collaboration: Challenges, Opportunities and Benefits of Working with Federally Non-Recognized Tribes,” paper presented at the Western Social Science Association Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, April 2009.
Organizer, panel on “Teaching about American Indian Policy Issues,” the Annual Meeting of the California Sociological Association, Riverside, CA, November 2008.
“Myths and Misconceptions: Tribal Sovereignty, Treaty Rights and American Indian Identity,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the California Sociological Association, Riverside, CA, November 2008.
“Working with Indian Tribes: Building Community Relationships in Challenging Contexts,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Spring 2008.
“Indian Gaming, Tribal Members and U.S. Citizenship: Unresolved Issues in American Political Development,” paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, spring 2008.
Periclean Faculty Leadership Award, 2010